We have strong commitment to our customer by providing quality service and care. We strive to offer support solutions that keep your products and workflow at peak efficiency and our network service teams are dedicated to providing local support for our products whenever and wherever needed.

Cougar POS Maintenance Contract

Maintenance Contracts

Why not protect your system through annually sign the Maintenance Contract with us by limiting your exposure to unexpected hardware repair, software support and update costs? Even the best kept system will eventually need service, support and updates.

Consider this, protecting the sales data and your system requires periodic updates, upgrades and service. Because of this, you are almost guaranteed to need some sort of service or support.

Type of Maintenance Contracts

Coverage Online Standard Premium
Remote Software Access
Dedicated Support Hotline
On-ite Support
Spare Parts Coverage
Extended Hour for Onsite Support
Loan Unit

Online Contract

A remote access software tool provided with every contract helps in solving problems fast end efficiently:

  1. Online Support through broadband/dial-up modem included as below:
    • Troubleshoot the software problem
    • Troubleshoot the database corruption
  2. Phone Support
    • Attend to customer queries through phone call or e-mail.
    • Analyses and provides solution to customer problems.
    • Provides information to customer about possible delays in solving problem within feedback time committed to customers.
    • Guides Customer as they implement correction and patches.

Standard Contract

Standard Contract

Covering online and on-site services. Spare parts will be charged separately depending upon the fault of the systems.

During the period of the contract, we provide preventive maintenance on regular basis and mandatory service. We also conduct site inspection to check the wiring before recommending the necessary Power equipment to our customers.

Premium Contract

The contract covering online , onsite service ,spare parts and extended onsite support.

Provide consultation on computer skill related to the system, hardware or network problem Support team will take care the hardware in good operating condition and replace the spare parts if necessary. Contract should maintain the system through routine check-up on the hard disk condition and perform preliminary repair .The contract covers 4 times mandatory services for one year and should be responsible to have virus protection, security and firewall protection for all in systems ,data and overall network access.

Why Signing Maintenance Contract is a Must

Your business’s point of sale system is a critical part of your operations. Not only is it a huge monetary investment, but it’s an investment of time and effort. Your employees are trained to use it; your customers trust that it will properly accept their payments; you rely on it for your daily operations. With all that’s riding on this single piece of equipment, you need to ensure that you’re doing all that you can to protect your investment. One of the simplest and most beneficial ways is to get a POS maintenance agreement.

Benefits of a maintenance contract:

1) Save money on other services
With a service agreement, most POS providers will give priority services to the customer who has pre-paid for the services. Services such as training, new features and consulting services typically are less expensive for those customers who are partnered through a maintenance agreement.Each year, you budget costs for labor, inventory, and other expenses. Without a POS maintenance agreement, however, unpredictable (and large) expenditures could be lurking around every corner. You can’t choose when your POS system will go down, or how much it will cost to repair it out of pocket. What you can predict is the regular costs of a POS maintenance agreement. You can budget monthly, quarterly, or annual payments to keep your system operating properly—offering you (and your accountant) total peace of mind.

  • Protection from unexpected service and support costs.
  • Keeps your system running most reliably
  • Guaranteed price for contract period.
  • Repair or replacement when you need it.

2) Increased hours
Often times, your POS provider will have different hours of services for their customers under a maintenance agreement.

  • One-Call service center guarantees your support or service request is handled as quickly as possible. Helps in solving problems fast end efficiently.

3) Software Updates
These software updates are typically not provided to customers that don’t have a maintenance agreement.Updating your software can require additional expenses, including both the software and the installation. However, with a POS maintenance agreement, those updates can be included with the contract. Again, allowing you to easily budget for the future of your POS system.

4) Partnership
Customers need to partner with their vendors. Part of this partnership is having a mutual agreement on how things can be budgeted. If you are not on a maintenance agreement, your POS partner will not be able to budget staffing. Without being able to budget for staffing, many times, you will not be able to get the services you want or need from your vendor. This is a long term purchase and a long term relationship. Every restaurant wants their POS provider to be around to support them in the future.

5) Terms
Payment terms are often extended to customers who have a maintenance agreement. You don’t want your manager to have to pull out his personal credit card for something that needs to be done on your POS system and is urgent because the vendor has not extended payment terms.

  • Stable financial planning – save cost in Support labor charge, savings up to 40%. Hardware expense control means you can better budget your service costs.

6) Easier decision making
Maintaining a POS system without a contract can be expensive. You never want to put yourself in a position where you’re unsure if you should maintain your POS or put your money into other important facets of your business. With a POS maintenance agreement, the decision is made up front with smaller regular installments, so you can focus on running your business.
POS maintenance agreements can also enable you to view reports on your service. If you have multiple restaurants or locations, reports from your maintenance providers can tell you how often specific restaurants are requesting service. High requests could indicate operator errors or system misuse. This can also help you monitor the maintenance requirements throughout the life of your equipment. If after five years, there’s a trend towards more frequent maintenance, it may be time to upgrade your equipment. This reporting function simplifies the decision process by providing you with the critical information you need.

7) Loaner equipment to keep your system running at its peak even during repairs.

8) System Monitoring to watch for system errors and proactively solve them before they become problems.

9) Discount will provided for spare parts up to 10%
Payment terms are often extended to customers who have a maintenance agreement. You don’t want your manager to have to pull out his personal credit card for something that needs to be done on your POS system and is urgent because the vendor has not extended payment terms.

  • Software upgrade discounts
  • Training Discounts
  • can focus on running the business rather than on wondering if they are making sure the system is up and running.


Your POS system is one of the largest purchases you will make. Proper maintenance of the system will keep it running at optimal levels, keeping your staff and customers happy. With a POS maintenance agreement, your service provider will indicate if they notice any potential red flags. Say you’re having the screen fixed, but there’s also a fan failing. With a POS maintenance agreement, your provider will also fix the fan—preventing you from paying for the additional fixes you would have incurred if you didn’t have a contract.

You can’t predict the future of your POS system, but you can make managing its maintenance easier with an agreement from your vendor. More predictable costs, easier decisions, software updates, and preventative maintenance are just a few of the many benefits of a POS maintenance agreement. Stop worrying about the life of your equipment and start focusing on running your business.

Thru the maintenance contract , now imagine if you could save up to 40% on costs associated with software update labor, support and repairs. Purchase a maintenance contract today to protect your investment and possibly save thousands over the life of your system!

We take CARE seriously!

Team details:

No. Support Name Tel.
1 Alan 016-337 4796
2 Tan Kai Jin 019-359 5096
IRC cover on-site and online service. Times of Operation service will be provided as per below:
Monday to Friday : 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday : Off Day
Sunday & Public Holiday : Off Day