Customer Profile

Dealer: Inter-Register Communications (M) Sdn, Bhd.
User: Eversave Market
Location: Puteri Mart, Bandar Puteri, Puchong, Selangor

Type of business and profile of user

Fresh Market store specializing is selling vegetables only inside Puteri Mart, a privatized Wet & Dry Market selling vegetables, meats, fruits, grocery.

Model Name

Casio QT6100 E-Pos, QT6060 Display, DL2875 Cash Drawer and Zebex Z-6182 Presentation Scanner.

Installation Date

17 June 2016 by Alex Wong

System Configuration for basic one outlet

Casio QT6100 E-Pos, QT6060 Display, DL2875 Cash Drawer and Zebex Z-6182 Presentation Scanner. Need hand free fast scanner to scan all weighing scale’s barcode.

Why did the user select the CASIO product?

The customer select Casio because they have confidence on its reliability and confidence on the IRC lost establishment.

Our specific proposals to the customer

Fast and simple to use, as the cashier is a bit senior in age and do not have any computer knowledge. Need a machine to issue a fast Tax Invoice and no stock control is necessary, just family business.

Competition from other manufacturers during business negotiation

Point Of Sales companies.

Improvement of customer job after using the CASIO product

Happy customers able to read what items and how much is the unit and total price. Other standalone vegetable stores do not have such facilities.